Abstract : AIDS is a syndrome caused by infection with Human Deficiency Virus (HIV), a member of Lentivirus subfamily of retrovirus family. Serotypes HIV-1 is most virulent. The virus is transmitted sexually, vertically, through contaminated blood transfusion, syringes, needles, blades, tattooing, etc. The incubation period is 3 months to five years depending on pre-existing immunosuppressant. The T-helper lymphocytes are major target of viruses because CD4 receptor is present predominantly on it. And hence the progressive immunodeficiency state resulting from T-cell deficiency (T4/ CD4) with viremia with opportunistic infection which leads to malignancy or cachexia. In children the clinical features includes failure to thrive, severe recurrent infections, lymphadenopathy, delayed development, Persistent weight loss, chronic diarrhea, microcephaly, hepatospeenomegaly, chronic Parotid swelling, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, recurrent otitis media. Pediatric HIV has been categorized in four types as N, A, B, C. In Allopathy there is no specific treatment yet for HIV infection and immunodeficiency state rather than preventative aspects. However antiretroviral drugs can improve the quality of life and prolong it. Ayurveda provides a number of single, compound herbal, Herbomineral Rasayan drugs contributing unique Rasayan Therapy having diversified actions on different systems of the body like Immunomodulation, Antioxidant. Also several of drugs have its own Adaptogenic effect on Psychological, Neurological, Endocrine systems etc, which also helps in the HIV-AIDS. Scientific studies showed that Ayurvedic preparations were effective in improving immune status and quality of life of the patients having HIV-AIDS.
Keyword : Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Human Deficiency Virus, CD4 receptor, Immunodeficiency, Antiretroviral drugs, Rasayan, Antioxidant, Adaptogenic.